Virtual Hugs
It’s no secret that Covid-19 has disrupted so much of 2020 already. So many things are being canceled or rescheduled, the health care system is overwhelmed, businesses are being temporarily shut down- you’re absolutely allowed to feel the pressure of it all. The chaos can seem overwhelming.
But, we are all in this together. There is power in community, and I know that when this is all over, we will rise up together stronger than before.
There are so many good things still happening in the world, even though it may feel like they are overshadowed by what’s going on. We just have to look for them. If you love The Office (I’m a super-nerd!), here is a video that might brighten your day. John Krasinski started a video chain that touches on all of the good things happening right now: Some Good News

Kindness matters. Take some time to detox.
You are absolutely okay to feel stressed + overwhelmed. All of your feelings are completely valid. This is something we haven’t really experienced before, we are all treading on new territory here. We are all figuring things out day-by-day. You’re not alone in this, even if staying at home is getting lonely. FaceTime with loved ones, or try to do something for someone else. Let’s try to take some time to serve others. Kindness can really make a difference in situations where we feel like we have little control.
Be Proactive.
Being at home for an extended period of time can feel very isolating. Make a point to take care of yourself + others that are with you. Take walks, read, spend some time in prayer, cook healthy meals, do yoga/stretch, take a bubble bath, support small businesses by ordering out for a fun meal or thing you want, have a glass of wine, plan an in-home date night, wedding plan, have a movie marathon, get things done that you never have time for.

My wedding is going to be affected, what do I do?
My heart breaks for all of my couples that have already been affected + really anyone struggling with things in light of Covid. The feeling of grief was unbearable, and I took that out by chopping my hair right before quarantine to have a much-needed change.
I can’t speak for everyone in the wedding industry, but I know that we want to do everything we can to take care of you. I’ve been working non-stop with my brides directly affected by the Pandemic to get their weddings rescheduled or to re-plan their day.
If your wedding is directly affected by all of this these are the questions you want to ask yourself + things to think about doing for your day.
Should we Reschedule?
Think about rescheduling. I know that is really hard to grasp. This is a day that you have probably been planning on looking forward to for so long. But at the end of the day, it might be a better decision to keep everyone safe, abide by the ban restrictions, and get to have your day later without the stress of everything going on.
Don’t break the stay-at-home recommendations, and don’t put your guests + vendors in that position either. We all want to serve you, honestly. But we also want to make sure we are doing the right thing and also helping to stop the spread of this whole thing.
At the end of the whole process, you two will be married- that is the most important thing. Try to focus on this when things get hard.
If this is the route you choose to take, contact your vendors ASAP. I know that many of us have already had to reschedule many events, our 2020 dates are filling up fast! We want to take care of you, you are so important to us.
Give yourself a hard cut-off day to decide things. We are dealing with constant changes each day, things could look very different a week from now. Don’t feel like you need to reschedule wayyy in advance, but maybe see if you can get a back-up date in place if this continues. (April-May weddings probably need to have a back-up date in mind. June-on weddings probably need to have a back-up plan, but probably don’t need to think about rescheduling quite yet.)
Check out your vendors + review their contracts to see what they say about a situation like this. Most vendors will allow you to reschedule your date. Some will have a fee + some may not. I will not be charging a fee to my couples who reschedule for a date within 2020, or a Friday or Sunday of next year. Fridays + Sundays are going to be your best bet for the rest of this year, most Saturdays will already be booked (especially in Fall).
Many retainers won’t be refundable, and I know this isn’t ideal, but as a vendor this is how we keep our business running. It is expensive to run a business and be able to provide quality service for you. From gear, upkeep of that gear, subscriptions to programs, insurance, etc- it adds up. Many wedding vendors also turn other people away who inquire about your date, which is money lost. For any clients that aren’t able to find a date that matches with me, I am providing them with sessions to accommodate the retainer costs that were already paid. Ask your vendors about something like this.
Should we elope or have a small wedding?
Having a small wedding or elopement is so special. It’s just the two of you and maybe the small number of people you choose to invite. The day can be chill + very focused on the two of you coming together.
You can still plan for this on your original date, so you can still be married when you were expecting to be. You can also plan for this to be on another date!
If you wanted to do something different, this option makes doing an “adventure wedding/elopement” so accessible. If you wanted a gorgeous outdoors backdrop, to say vows in the mountains, or explore a nature trail on your big day- this is your perfect opportunity.
I speak from experience. Jacob + I had a very small wedding with a little under 30 family members/friends. It was absolutely perfect and we wouldn’t have changed a single thing. We really enjoyed the intimacy of it all, you might too! Check it out here on the blog: Our Wedding
If we have a small wedding day, can we have a reception later?
If you are doing a small ceremony/elopement on your original date, having a reception day on a later date is a great way to be able to share the celebration with all of your guests you had on your list!
This is actually becoming quite a popular thing in our industry and has been a normal even before the pandemic.
Scheduling this on a Friday or Sunday will be easiest since most of your vendors will be booked on Saturdays for this year already.
Yes, people will still be excited to come and celebrate with you on a different date.
You get to have two special days this way, two days to look forward to this year!

Our Wedding- Rachel Scroggs Photography

Zion National Park

My date isn’t affected, but I’m still worried?
Some tips for when your wedding comes around.
Have a Covid-friendly wedding full of hand-sanitizer & places for people to wash hands.
Just like the “no-phones during the ceremony” sign, have a sign that discourages people from hugging + handshakes.
Have dinner + drinks served to to the table instead of a buffet line.
Have someone video or even live-stream your wedding for people who aren’t able to make it. (If you need help with this, let me know).
Reduce your guest list. This seems scary, but people will understand, and you can always have a special intimate dinner with them later.
Relax. Have fun! Soak it all in. Your wedding day will be amazing. At the end of it, you will be married to your best friend.
Take a deep breath.
Things may be tough right now, but they will get better. At the end of everything, you will be married to your person. Remember to lean on each other during this time, and find peace in the fact that it’s all going to be okay. You two are going to come out stronger because of this.
Plans may change, but love is never canceled.
If you are one of my clients with worries or concerns, please reach out to me. I am always here for you. Always.